Family things to do during coronavirus lockdown

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Other | 1 comment

So you’re stuck at home, the kids are driving you mad and you’re looking for things to do to keep them entertained, right?

Here’s 5 fun family things to do during lockdown / COVID-19 coronavirus lockdown! #StayAtHome

1) Learn a new lockdown skill:

There’s literally hundreds of things you can do with the family, but if you do anything at all I highly recommend learning a new skill during lockdown.

There’s nothing more satisfying than achieving something you couldn’t do before! It could involve cooking, drawing, magic or even learning a new language – I recently downloaded DuoLingo, and I have to say it’s brilliant! It makes learning any language, fun and easy to do

Not only will it give you something to do during lockdown, but it will also give you a useful new life skill you can use in the future.

2) Watch YouTube videos:

There’s so many cool things available to watch on Youtube… and it’s free!

Whether you want entertainment during lockdown, ways to learn during lockdown or even just to listen to vloggers talking about random things – there’s something for everyone!

A little birdie tells me there’s a cool magician who’s uploading daily lockdown YouTube videos – I mean, I maybe a little biased, but they’re not bad!! You should click here to check them out!

3) Lockdown family quiz:

Why not take part in a fun interactive family quiz?

There’s plenty of platforms online all offering the best family quiz during lockdown. Test the family knowledge and see how many questions you can answer correctly.

A popular quiz platform offering a great solution for family things to do during lockdown would be Sporcle.

They have kids rounds as well as adult rounds – you can even play multi player!

4) Video calls via Zoom:

Zoom has made keeping in touch with family during the coronavirus lockdown super easy and free!

Grandparents that aren’t necessarily great with new technology will love Zoom! All they have to do it click a link.

You can set up an informal chat or a full on virtual family night out, with multiple participants from anywhere in the world.

5) Keep fit during lockdown – PE with Joe:

Joe wicks has been keeping families across the world fit and active while everyone is stuck finding family things to do in lockdown.

He goes ‘live’ every single morning with ‘PE With Joe’ at 9am on his YouTube channel, so make sure you tune in for the next session and get all of the family to join in on the lockdown activity.

You can check out all of the details on The Body Coach Facebook page.


There’s so many different things to do with the family during the coronavirus lockdown, but I think it’s important to use the time wisely. Make room for lots of family time, including connecting with family you haven’t spoken to for a while. Keep learning and pushing each other.

More importantly than anything else, keep smiling and stay positive!

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